I loved working with Laura! I learned so much about myself during the 6 months I mentored with her. Laura taught me how to be more self aware, and this has shed light into many areas of my life, both personal and professional. I am more intentional in my behavior. I now recognize that intent does not always equal impact. Laura helped me realize I have worth and value and a lot to offer, but most of all that I am worth every bit of hard work it takes each day to be a better person.

The word that exemplifies my work with Laura is “intentional”. So many things in my life are on auto pilot, or I am multi-tasking so much I start “flying by the seat of my pants”. While I can and do get things done in both of these modes, it isn’t the best or most efficient way for me to operate. After meeting with Laura for a few sessions, the proverbial light bulb came on over my head. The word that motivated my change was INTENTIONAL. In most workplaces superstar employees really standout, but when I hired on with a new firm, I noticed quickly that most of those around me were at the top of their game, and therefore the people who stood out were usually on their way out. I was excited, but also somewhat intimidated. I had waited for this opportunity and now I had to make the most of it. I knew it was time to take my game to the next level so I hired Laura. Money well spent. Laura assisted me in defining better goals and establishing new habits. Most importantly, she helped me follow through so that I was able to change unproductive or inefficient thoughts and actions and move into a very intentional way of handling not only my career but also my personal life as a very busy single mother of two teenage daughters. By helping me to reframe my thoughts in an intentional and deliberate manner I was able to change my actions and only then did I see a more productive, efficient, and successful outcome. It was that AHA moment I needed. Sometimes even really bright, motivated people benefit from an outside voice and an encouraging kick in the pants. Laura will give you both, in a constructive, but very intentional way! No matter what stage of life or your career you are in, if you are looking to achieve at a higher level I can recommend working with Laura.

Kara Rogers

Financial Strategist at McKinley Carter Wealth Services