Have you asked yourself the question, yet: What do I want to be remembered for? What legacy do I want to lead?

You see, this is like success; unless you can define what success looks like for you, you won’t reach it…So, if you want to leave a certain legacy, you need to go about doing it intentionally.

Here’s an interesting exercise for you; perhaps an uncomfortable one…but I promise, if you are open and actually DO it, it will be most revealing to you!

Write your own obituary, as you would want it to be published when you’re gone.

I’m serious — get started today!

Then, share what you’ve written with someone you trust and respect. Ask them for feedback; if that is how you want to be remembered, are you on track and what do you need to do or stop doing to make it real?

Ask them, “If I did nothing more, and died tomorrow, what would I be remembered for?”

I’d love to hear what you come up with!