What are you passionate about? Can you name your top three passions? Out of those three, which one are you most fervent about?

Was there a key event – a defining moment – or circumstance that ignited your passion?

Do you remember the Jarvik-7 Artificial Heart? It was invented by Robert Jarvik. Jarvik was the son of a physician, who worked with his dad as he grew up and had some interest in medicine, but seemed more interested in art. One of his defining moments, driving his passion for the design and development of artificial organs was the passing of his father, who had died of heart disease after having open-heart surgery.

Your defining may or may not be quite this dramatic, but often, there is one.   

When you live through your passion, what effect does it have on you in terms of confidence and energy?

Again, when we are truly passionate about something, we typically move into the “discretionary performance zone,” operating above and beyond the minimum, to be sure, and often significantly higher than 100% effort!

Are you currently in a place where you get to live your passion each day?

If yes, describe how it is…

If no, describe why not.


4 replies
  1. llpllc
    llpllc says:

    Thank you for asking, Cranston! I love learning, of course, and teaching, coaching, mentoring, having the opportunity to speak, working with others (1:1 or in small groups) to develop healthy teams. I feel fully engaged when I’m in that kind of space. I read a lot; in fact, I feel lost if I don’t have a book nearby. I write. I cross-stitch. I enjoy puzzles.

    What about you? What are your passions?

  2. cranstonholden
    cranstonholden says:

    My 3 banner goals this year and have almost accomplished all 3. I have a weight and BMI goal, a public speaking goal, and a book goal. These are my 3 goals.

    I have changed my daily habits to align with them. Staying consistent
    is the key.

  3. llpllc
    llpllc says:

    Cranston: Thank you for sharing your goals. I agree 100% that daily habits will determine whether you reach your goals or not. Consistency is key.

    Now tell me about your PASSIONS! What ignites your soul? What makes you want to sing and dance? What gets you so fired up a freight train could not hold you back from doing it? That’s what I want to hear about!

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