Good morning and Happy Friday! How was this, our first week in Month Three, focused on Excellence?

As has been the case for the last three weeks, my week has flown by. Yes, I have been much busier; working with some new coaching and mentoring clients, working on a couple of other projects, and preparing for a speaking engagement today through my local Chamber of Commerce. Also, tonight, I will finish a Mastermind Group I’ve been facilitating, with a group of supervisors in a manufacturing facility.

We’ve been studying and discussing John Maxwell’s 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership. Tonight we will go through Chapter 21 — The Law of Legacy. Essentially, the message is that when you get to the end of your life, people will describe your life with one sentence, so you should choose it now — and embody that message, whatever it is that you want to be remembered for, to truly live each day as that person. It will be another busy day.

But I digress! Shall we move forward with what’s become our Friday ritual? Are you in the habit of thinking about and preparing for your weekend ahead of time, yet?

What really needs your attention this weekend? Is it projects, people, rest, relaxation…?

All of the above, for me, as usual, but perhaps in different measures than in previous weeks.

And I do need to spend some time really thinking about and planning for the next few weeks. There are some significant events coming my way in May, and I have a lot of work to do to ensure I am fully prepared. I’m getting ready to launch a new mentoring program, so there’s some “back office” work to do for that.

What thoughts do you have about the level of quality of your products and services, after this week’s exercises?

What’s in store for you this weekend, next week, and in the coming weeks? Are you taking the steps to set yourself up for success and fulfillment?

Have a great weekend, and I’ll “see” you Monday!