Another week has gone whizzing past, for me, at least! How was yours?

Productive and fulfilling, I hope.

Today is going to be an amazing, busy, brain-stretching, new connections kind of day. Today is Chick-Fil-A Leadercast day! I am sponsoring the event at the University of Charleston and I’m so excited — this is my PASSION! Leadership, personal growth, communication, connection with friends old and new and clients old and “to-be”! Today is going to have it all!

And, I’m officially rolling out the Empowerment Mentoring Program today. It’s a great program; if you haven’t checked into it, yet, you should. It might have something for you. Click here for more info, or click onto the Mentoring page of this site.

Having shared all of that, where are you at on this first Friday of our fifth month of the Intentional Leadership journey? What are you learning about yourself and your passion?

And what do you have on tap for the weekend? Have you given it any thought…planned ahead?

It’s somewhat warm, humid, and rainy as I write this, and I am so looking forward to this weekend.

I’m really thinking about rest and family time this weekend. I’ve had a lot going on over the past six weeks, and with these last couple of big events having come and gone, I can slow down briefly.

What about you? What’s on your list this weekend?

Who really need your attention this weekend? You? Family? Friends? People you’ve not yet met?

What really needs your attention this weekend? Is it projects, rest, relaxation…?

What thoughts do you have about the level of focus you are applying to your life?

What’s in store for you this weekend, next week, and in the coming weeks? Are you taking the steps to set yourself up for success and fulfillment?

Have a great weekend, and I’ll “see” you Monday!