Another week gone by…the air is crisp in the mornings, soft in the evenings, and the leaves are turning amazingly beautiful colors. I love this time of year! I hope wherever you are on this Friday morning, you are surrounded by beauty as well.

It’s been a full week for me, with several coaching and mentoring sessions, working on developing some meeting/workshop agendas and materials, and planning for some lessons I will teach next week around self-awareness, intentionality, influence, connection, communication, personal styles, conflict resolution, and relationship building.

I will spend time over the weekend continuing to prepare for those upcoming lessons/workshops, as well as having fun with my family attending a local annual festival. In addition, I need to read John Maxwell’s newest book: Sometimes You Win, Sometimes You Learn. John will officially launch this new book next Thursday, October 10, via two live webcasts (one at 4 PM EDT and one at 9 PM EDT), accompanied by special guests, Dave Ramsey and Nick Vujicic. You are welcome to attend; you don’t want to miss it! Here’s the link (

I will be following up on the webcast by offering a Mastermind Group (facilitated in-depth study) on the book, so if you’re interested in joining us, connect with me via comment, email, phone, or Facebook.

Further, my weekend will include some time and focus invested in the three areas of discipline I’ve committed to work on through the Maxwell Plan for Growth: exercise – yoga at least three times per week; writing – a minimum of 15 minutes a day, in addition to this blog; and getting more intentional about budgeting.

What are you doing with your weekend?

Whom do you need to connect with, nurture, spend time with?

What do you need to do to nurture yourself?

What can you do to prepare yourself for a great start to next week?

What can you do to set yourself up for success in the coming weeks and months?

Enjoy your weekend; I hope however you choose to spend it, you’re intentional about it.

“See” you Monday!

5 replies
  1. llpllc
    llpllc says:

    Cranston: Good morning! It’s great to hear from you! Thank you so much for continuing to be a faithful reader. I appreciate it more than you know. Business is growing; I am blessed to have the opportunity to continue to work with a variety of amazing people and organizations. Working with some new coaching clients and have some fun upcoming workshops. Really loving what I do.

    My questions to you are: When are you going to join me in the JMT? And will you participate in the web cast?

    Hope so! Take Care…

  2. gikemoss
    gikemoss says:

    From this snapshot of your life, it seems you are now doing what I hope to be doing down the road. I look forward to following you and seeing what some of the next steps look like. I recently launched a blog to be an outlet of a lot of leadership ideas that have been crammed up inside of me for a long time! I am enjoying developing an outlet for those thoughts and connecting with others while doing it.

  3. llpllc
    llpllc says:

    Yes, I’ve read several of your posts and have enjoyed them very much. I just don’t understand why you would put this dream on hold. You will be amazed at the resources, support, and knowledge you’ll have access to when you join the team and have access to our amazing mentors (all of whom have built their businesses from the ground up and are very successful) and the 2700+ other certified coaches from around the globe!

    If you do the web cast, let me know what you think.

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