Good morning and Happy Friday!

Another week has flown by and was it busy! The question is: Was it productive? Or was it just full of “stuff”?

I’m still focusing on excellence in my customer service — both in responding to prospective clients and to my existing clients. Building strong relationships, with a foundation of trust, is critical to all businesses, to be sure, but especially to mine because I work in a very intimate space with my clients helping them to discover themselves, their dreams, their challenges, etc. So, I am truly focused on where I can inject some excellence into my performance.

Where can you intentionally inject excellence into your performance?

Let’s move into our Friday ritual…

What really needs your attention this weekend? Is it projects, people, rest, relaxation…?

Rest? I would like to think so, but at the start of this Spring Break, we have some travel and fun planned, so perhaps not as much sleep this weekend as we need; but fun? Definitely!

Still working on the preparation for the Women in Leadership Luncheon I am helping to plan, and will present the Keynote speech at, in May. Still working my way through content in the John Maxwell Online University. Still working to refine my “Dream” speech, and outline my OPUS — this is the plan for my life’s work — my masterpiece. I’ll share more about this as I move through the process. And, I’m still working on the new mentoring program I will launch in May. You can get a preview here.

What’s in store for you this weekend, next week, and in the coming weeks? Are you taking the steps to set yourself up for success and fulfillment?

Have a great weekend, and I’ll “see” you Monday!