Today, I encourage you to step outside yourself and spend some time with someone you know who demonstrates a consistently positive attitude. Ask them the following questions:

How has your attitude affected your success in life?

How do you prevent obstacles from discouraging you?

Have you always been so positive, or have you had specific experiences that shaped you into the person I see today?

When you have listened to the person’s responses, smile and thank him or her for taking the time to share with you. Then take some time to reflect on what they shared that might be of value to you as you move through your life.

Take some time with this exercise…jot down the highlights of your conversation, make note of the behaviors and actions you might apply in your life, and set forth a plan to do just that.

For a long time, I had a note on my daily calendar that said, simply: Choose your attitude! It was the first thing I saw every day, and after looking at it first thing in the morning, every day for several years, I no longer need the calendar reminder. This is not to say I am glowingly positive every second of every day, but that awareness is fresh in my mind, and I am much more mindful of the power I have to choose.

3 replies
  1. Christian
    Christian says:

    Some say your attitude determines your latitude. I also beleive that a positive attitude is critical in bringing out success in life, its only with a positive attitude that your are able to see opportunities and draw people around you.

    Good article – much appreciated.

  2. llpllc
    llpllc says:

    Christian: Thank you for taking the time to read my thoughts and to share yours; I appreciate it more than you know! I agree with your thinking — “attitude = latitude.” Skills, talents, and training will get you only so far, but having a positive attitude will carry you farther than you ever thought possible. And yes, it’s connected with the Law of Magnetism — who you are is who you attract. So, if you have a positive attitude, you will attract others who are positive, as well; and the converse is also true.

    Thank you, again, for stopping by and sharing your thoughts.

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