Another Friday, another week gone by, and a new focus. Time for the weekend…

As we head into this first weekend of Month Two — focused on relationships — what are your thoughts?

What do you need to take care of, think about, prepare for this weekend? Here are some things to consider:

What relationships do you need to focus on and nurture this weekend?

What will that mean in terms of time, energy, preparation, activity?

As you make your list, don’t forget to include yourself. If you don’t take care of you, you won’t be able to care for others.

How much rest do you need this weekend? I need a bunch, but it would take a superhuman effort to get it. Lots to do this weekend, as I have a BIG (and I mean HUGE) week coming — but more about that in another post.

How much – and what kind of – activity do you need?

What loose ends do you need to tie up from this week?

What do you need to do to prepare yourself for a great start to next week, preparing for Monday?

Finally, what thought are you giving to things you have planned or need to prepare for or complete in the coming months?

On Monday, we will begin month two – week two of our Intentional Leadership Journey, continuing to focus on Relationships.

Have a great weekend, and I’ll “see” you on Monday!