Having done some reflection, let’s get some other perspectives. Today, gather your team or peer group together and cast a vision for the power of focus.

What are some examples of the positive results you have seen of increased focus in your own life that you can share with your team?

How can they apply what you’ve learned from your experience to something they are working on?

Challenge them to think about their top three objectives for the next month. Ask them to write them down and share them with the team. Also, ask them to make note of the potential distractions that could keep them from meeting their objectives. Take it one step further, and challenge them to develop a plan to eliminate or diminish those distractions.

Schedule a special team meeting for the end of next month to review your team’s progress toward their objectives, recount the distractions they encountered and how they dealt with them, and be sure to celebrate the achievements — accomplish due to clear focus.

Go ahead, write them down, now…What are your top three objectives for the next month?